i had to entertain girls as they
came and went.
cried joking your life was like a three-ring circus tent.
as long as you didn't fall my heart never broke or bent.
not in the least until juliet came down.
juliet smiled; i watched your heart
melt away.
thought to myself, could this last until saturday?
she had no hope; she was molded too much my way.
that's what you said until juliet came down.
juliet wanted to
because i wanted you.
like your trained seal i
asked what's the big deal i
told her the truth
and she went after you.
how could i know that she'd
only seen me down?
sweet and serene as she hedged in
her final bet,
i always wanted to be more like juliet.
i could have been the best thing that you would forget.
why did you never write me a minuet?
your held her arm but her eyes stared
straight into space.
i never noticed, as mine were still fixed on your face.
all of that wanting and still not a drop of grace.
what did i want after juliet came down?
i stood beside you, my arms crossed
and nothing clear.
you gaped at your girl while she downed yet another beer.
i thought, as long as i talk, i'll never disappear.
not unless another juliet came down.
if i longed for her,
did i long to be her?
if i stopped wanting you,
would she leave you, too?
nothing triangular,
if only i were after her.
when did i notice the
way she looked me down?
tall and refined as she twirled
in a pirouette,
i always wanted to be more like juliet.
i could have been the best thing that you would forget.
why did you never write me a minuet?