

name: muriel bierce
aliases: nicknamed mure, serial number #gt6422.
age: fourteen and a half.
hair: brown.
eyes: brown.
height: 5'3.
weight: 100.
occupation: high school student/slave.
as a student, mure likes boys and clothes.
as the only literate slave in the camp, mure writes.

muriel has two memories, and she doesn't know which one to trust. she knows that she is a slave at the kramer textile camp, and she knows that she was given to colin kramer as a birthday present. but she doesn't know why she is the only slave who knows how to read or write. she remembers a time when she was a popular high school freshman in a different country, with a football player boyfriend. she remembers disappearing in a rainstorm, sinking into mud and finding herself in the white room, which spat her out into the camp. but she also remembers being the toddler daughter of an important military official during the last of the slave revolts. she was separated from her parents, and, when the war was over and the slaves were put back in their places, she was mistaken for a slave because of her dark hair and eyes. she never saw her parents again. regardless, she knows that she was sent to the white room where she found a diary bearing her name, and that she diligently records the goings-on of the camp in some quixotic hope.

kieran and colin gwynne liam katarin

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�1999 tea. images by tea.